クラウディア・カヴィーゼル個展「Colour x Culture x Craft」


2024/06/21(金) - 07/13(土)

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CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOは、スイスを代表するテキスタイルデザイナーの一人でありアーティストのクラウディア・カヴィーゼル個展「Colour x Culture x Craft」を開催いたします。

CLEAR GALLERY TOKYO is delighted to announce the exhibition, "Colour x Culture x Craft" by Claudia Caviezel.
Caviezel was awarded the Swiss Atelier Flex Scholarship for a three-month Japan residency in 2024. , which is awarded to talented artists to promote culture and the arts in Switzerland.
For this exhibition, Caviezel presents a panoramic view of the Japanese influences, connections, crafts and colors she received during her residency, documenting them and presenting the works she created during her stay.
The colours lovingly picked up from the scenes of everyday life found in nature and people's activities are vividly shown on fabric, paper and ceramics by Caviezel. We hope that through this exhibition, you will experience the spirituality and beauty that transcend nations and languages.

Supported by : Kanton of Zug, The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan/Vitality.Swiss

スイスのデザイナー クラウディア・カヴィーゼルにとって、日本とはカラフルでクリエイティブなクラフトマンシップへの旅である。

2024年6月、CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOは、彼女が滞在中に捉えた日本からの影響、つながり、工芸、色彩のパノラマ展を開催します。さらに、彼女がコラボレーションしたいくつかの工芸プロセスの物理的成果物として提灯や藍染の布などを展示いたします。


スイスと日本は、自然と工芸に対する深い尊敬の念を共有しています。スイスで出版された 「What is Craft?” from Matohu」では、様々な分野の日本の職人たちと共に、創造するということの根本的な意味を探っています。彼らの共通認識は、「工芸とは自然界が与えてくれる贈り物から人々が作るものである」ということです。


Japan is a colourful, creative, and craft-led journey for Swiss designer Claudia Caviezel.
A multidisciplinary designer, Caviezel relies on collaborations – often international - to channel her intuitive love of colour, pattern, places and people. Her multi-decade practice is centred on her unique approach to visual language, materials and colour. She uses photography as a sketchbook and aide-mémoire to capture observations which have the possibility to evolve into designs that can be interpreted through media such as watercolours and pottery slips and realised as textiles, tapestries, ceramics, and public art.
Claudia Caviezel's nonpareil practice was recognised by the award of a Swiss Atelier Flex Scholarship for a three-month Japan residency in 2024. She is in Japan to explore and absorb, and to participate and learn from the singular focus of the Japanese “shokunin spirit” where makers work collaboratively with each other with humility and respect for nature.

In June 2024, Clear Gallery Tokyo presents a panoramic exhibition of the Japanese influences, connections, crafts and colours she has captured so far, plus the physical outcome of some of the craft processes she has collaborated on including Chōchin paper lanterns and indigo dyed cloth.
The exhibition is just the beginning. Caviezel is on a continuum of creativity inspired by Japan.
"The most beautiful way for me to design is on site,” she says, “with material in my hands, raw and unfiltered colours, and in direct collaboration with experts. It creates a chain reaction of expected and unexpected outcomes.” There are parallel tracks in her practice. “I am constantly creating archives in my mind as I observe, record and save what intrigues or inspires me. At the same time I take photos, draw and sketch as a visual record.”

Caviezel's translucent layers of colours and gradations share esprit with master colourist Sachio Yoshioka (1946-2019) who abandoned synthetic dyes to dedicate Somenotsukasa Yoshioka workshop to natural dyes and mordants. His Beni red and Beni iridescent green are colours with commonality to Caviezel's palette. Yoshioka's dictionary of Japanese colours reflects Kasane – the language of layered colours – and Japan's close relationship with nature and seasonal colour change. “Study the old to discover the new” was Yoshioka's motto. His daughter Sarasa is the workshop's 6th-generation dyer who allows her imagination to “run wild” while still steadfast to her father's motto. Caviezel is leaning into the spirit of the Yoshioka motto during her Japan residency.

Caviezel's attraction to Japan dates to the very beginning of her career. Switzerland and Japan share a deep respect for nature and craft. The newly published book “What is Craft?” from Matohu(まとふ) explores with Japanese artisans from various disciplines the fundamental meaning of what it means to create. Their consensus is that craft is the things people make from the gifts provided by the natural world. Matsubayashi Hōsai, the 16th pottery master of Asahiyaki – a 400 year old pottery in Uji, Kyoto believes it's what “WE” make, not what “I” make.
The simple yet profound belief in "we not I" is one of the concepts Claudia Caviezel also believes in, and she has come to Japan to explore this through her collaborations.

The creative spirit of Claudia Caviezel is colourful. She is in tune with Zen ensō - a circular world of the spirit where there is no beginning or end – which means her magical Japanese residency has no spiritual end, but will continue with many more colourful stories to come.

クラウディア・カヴィーゼル Claudia Caviezel

Swiss Grand Prix of Design 2016 受賞。 Expo 2017 Astanaのスイスパビリオンに作品を提供。2024年1月まで開催されていたチューリッヒデザイン美術館の個展「Claudia Caviezel: Caleidoscope」では、インテリアオブジェから国際的なブランドのオートクチュール、公共空間における大規模のインスタレーションまで、多岐にわたるカヴィーゼルの創作とそのプロセスを総括的に展示し反響を呼ぶ。

Claudia Caviezel is an international independent product designer with expertise in diverse materials and a speciality in textiles. All of her designs express her signature mix of handmade and digital processes.
A multilingual Swiss national based near Zurich, Caviezel collaborates on interdisciplinary projects which are unified by her unique approach to visual language and her singular approach to materials and colour.
Caviezel's public space collaborations include retail, hospitality, commercial, entertainment venues, and outdoor leisure amenities. Her textile and product designs range from haute couture fashion to rugs, pottery, linens and furniture. Prints, jacquards and embroidery she designed for a prestigious Swiss luxury fashion house were used in garments designed by Vivienne Westwood and worn by notable women like Michele Obama.
Winner of the Swiss Grand Prix of Design 2016. Work for the Swiss Pavilion at Expo 2017 Astana. Her solo exhibition "Claudia Caviezel: Kaleidoscope" at the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, which ran until January 2024, showcased the extensive range of her creations and processes, from interior objects to haute couture for international brands and large-scale installations in public spaces.


会場CLEAR GALLERY TOKYOくりあ ぎゃらりー とーきょー
東京都港区六本木7-18-8 岸田ビル 2F
六本木駅(東京メトロ日比谷線)2番口 徒歩3分
六本木駅(都営大江戸線)4b口 徒歩8分
乃木坂駅(東京メトロ千代田線)6番口 徒歩12分
会期2024/06/21(金) - 07/13(土)
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