Padograph パドグラフ 파도그래프

ホリグチシンゴ 個展「Polymerization」


2025/01/31(金) - 02/12(水)

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ホリグチシンゴ 個展「Polymerization」
会期 2025年1月31日(金) - 2月12日(水) ※ 会期中無休
時間 平日 16時 - 22時 土日祝 13時 - 19時
場所 亀戸アートセンター (KAC)
最寄 都営新宿線 東大島駅 大島口
【 関連イベント 】
■ 期間限定シルクスクリーンプリント
■ ガチャガチャ


Shingo Horiguchi Solo Exhibition “Polymerization
Dates: January 31 (Friday) - February 12 (Wednesday), 2025 * Open throughout the exhibition period
Hours: 16:00 - 22:00 weekdays, 13:00 - 19:00 weekends and holidays
Place: Kameido Art Center (KAC)
Nearest Toei Shinjuku Line Higashi-Ojima Station, Ojima Exit
Related Event
Limited time silk screen prints
During the exhibition, the artist's design will be printed on the spot on T-shirts, shirts, cloth bags and other cloth items (100% cotton-polyester or cotton blend) that you bring in.
capsule toy machine
We will announce the details of the event on the website and SNS as needed.




Kameido Art Center is pleased to present “Polymerization,” a solo exhibition by Shingo Horiguchi. This will be Horiguchi's first solo exhibition at Kameido Art Center in about five years.
In this exhibition, Horiguchi pursues a contemporary reinterpretation of pictorial expression, starting from his own hypothesis that “Paul Cézanne, Paul Klee, and early Cubist artists may have viewed things from both eyes. By focusing on the process in which the human right eye and left eye perceive an object from different angles and integrate them in the brain to form a single image, he attempts to question the conventional view of painting that relies on a single point of view and to present the experience of “seeing things” in a new way.
The title of the exhibition, “Polymerization,” is a chemical term meaning “the complex combination of molecules to form a single substance. Applying this idea to his paintings, Horiguchi weaves together different images digitally to create a structure with ambiguous front-back relationships, which he then paints by hand on canvas or paper to create his own unique worldview.
We invite you to come and see the new visual art of “seeing with both eyes” by Shingo Horiguchi at the exhibition.
In addition, limited edition screen prints created in collaboration with “ZONSHANG,” a graphic unit that explores the possibilities of silkscreen prints, will be exhibited and sold at this exhibition. Please look forward to seeing these works as well.


ホリグチシンゴ Shingo Horiguchi / ペインター
Instagram :

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会場亀戸アートセンターかめいど あーと せんたー (Kameido Art Center)
東京都江東区亀戸9-17-8 KKビル 101
東大島駅(都営新宿線)大島口 徒歩12分
亀戸水神駅(東武鉄道亀戸線) 徒歩12分
亀戸駅(総武線)東口 徒歩20分
会期2025/01/31(金) - 02/12(水)
時間平日 16:00-22:00
土日祝 13:00-19:00

